'Connect, Select and Grow' - Sport Horse Breeder Event

'Connect, Select & Grow' is a sport horse breeder event, consisting of sessions on Networking, Stallion Selection & Growing Your Market.

The event takes place in the Bridge House Hotel, Tullamore, on Thursday 18th April 2024, from 7pm-9.30pm. Tickets are available to purchase HERE until Thursday 11th April 2024.

Refreshments will be available from 6.30pm, with a strict event start time of 7pm. The event is divided into three sections:


To assist breeders in broadening their network, the event will begin with a networking session. The event space will be made up of multiple round tables, which attendees will be automatically assigned to on check in. Through a number of initial ‘ice breaker’ questions, each attendee will be given an opportunity to introduce themselves, and their respective breeding programme, to the other breeders at their table.


This session will focus on goal setting, key considerations when selecting stallions for your mares, as well as objective information sources and tools to assist you when researching stallions of interest.

The session will conclude with a number of key learnings from successful breeders and past guests of the podcast series, Big Talk For Breeders.


The final session of this event focuses on how we communicate and market our businesses.

Through industry observations, content considerations, practial tips and tools, the goal of this session is for attendees to reflect on their current digital presence, and consider ways in which this can be professionalised.

CLICK HERE to purchase your ticket for ‘Connect, Select & Grow'